When I finally bit the bullet and ordered the iphone I was prepared to be disappointed by the camera. I have never been very impressed with phone cameras-- but I must admit I have been pleasantly surprised by my iphone 4. Although it isn't great in low light, it is quite wonderful for taking photos outside, and there are so many editing options with many free apps available. To give you an example, here is my yesterday-- by iphone:
1. Getting out the door. Little girls all set to go on a crisp and sunny autumn day.
2. The lady at the Tim Horton's drive through on the way to Costco. Q thought it was weird for me to take her picture-- but I think it made her day. She was beaming as she passed me the Timbits.
3. Costco. You gotta do it every once in a while.
4. Walking back from taking Audrey to school. I love the way the oaks look on our street this time of year.
5. A certain someone who wanted to play on the trike rather than have a nap.
6. After getting the baby down for her nap, I sat outside on the porch with Millie, enjoying the amazing weather and reading the front section of the newspaper.
(The view from the porch)
7. Picked up Audrey from school and took her to ballet class. (It's technically Creative Movement...but we call it ballet.)
(With her friend, Isabella)
8. Sitting at the coffee shop next door while I wait for the class to end, working on the laptop and drinking peppermint tea.
9. Back at the studio, but class still isn't quite over. Take artsy photos of the decor.
10. Walking back to the car we stopped for a snuggle and a photo.
11. My favourite hand-me-down shoes from Becca that I am SO glad finally fit her!
12. Driving home along Queen St. we pass one of my favourite wall murals.
13. Home again, and Lily is very glad to see us.
14. I keep meaning to plan a slow cooker meal for Wednesdays, but have yet to get my act together. Grilled cheese it is!
15. A little play time, then Backyardigans before bed.
16. 7:30 and the kids are in bed,though not asleep. (Lily was up almost until 9, the little monkey.) For Millie, this is the best time of the day.
So there you go! I cropped and edited all of these photos entirely on my phone. There are lots of free photo apps you can download, and I love being able to e-mail or upload directly to Facebook or Typepad. Almost all of these were given a little sass with the free app, Mill Colour. There is one called Diptic that I used to create the two photo layout (i.e. the diptych). Although I didn't use them for this project, I often use PS Express for cropping and editing, and Gorillacam for extra features (like anti-shake and on screen grid) while shooting. If you have any photography apps you'd like to recommend, I'd love to hear about them!