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June 29, 2013


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Glad to see you back! It was just a couple of days ago that I remembered your blog and came to see if you had posted and I had missed it :) Enjoy your holiday!

Tracey H.

Great to read your updated blog, Lisa !
I had been checking off and on over this past year and wondered what became of you! Glad to see the family is well, and enjoy your next adventure.


So glad to see you back--I was just thinking about you! Are you still working with SCT? So excited to hear about your European adventures!


Glad to see you back blogging and sharing your stories. Have a great time with your travels!


I was just randomly thinking about you b/c I have been in your neck of the woods lately (green n bean...is that near you?) - anyway I am bad at blogging regularly too but I totally agree such a good slice of life to look back on :) - SO exciting to be heading across the pond with the kiddies!

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