The beautiful weather yesterday inspired me to do a little sewing. I had this sequin skirt from a Value Village trip last spring. The tag says $7.99, but I'm pretty sure I got it on 50% off day. There was a little fraying at the edges, but since I knew it was going to be a kids' dress, I just cleaned it up with my pinking shears:
This dress was super simple. I just trimmed about and inch and half down each side and sewed them back up again to make a slightly smaller silhouette. Then I measure Audrey's chest size and cut the elastic an inch or so shorter. I thread it through the waistband of the skirt, then used the scraps to create little straps. This was a quick and dirty sew-- nobody look too close!
I think I put the straps on a little crooked. Oh well!
And it needs a steam...
I don't think Audrey minds. She went back inside and did an impromptu ballet:
"Mama, I feel just like a princess."
Unfortunately, Lily is down with a flu today. I think as long as I can keep her fever down she will alright. Poor pumpkin.